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A works Health Insurance having at is

A gal at works is having some problems canceling her health insurance with the company we works for. Our company is saying she CAN NOT cancel her health insurance policy with BCBS from its not close enrollment. The reasons she wants to cancel is because she got coverage with a different company. Is it legal for our company to say she CAN NOT cancel her policy??? How could justin bieber tattoo she afford to pay for both!
It is not the company that says this, it's the insurance company. The insurance company sole allows for changes during close enrollment or health insurance quotes if there is a significant life event, such as marriage, birth of a child, death of one immediate family member, etc. That is the sole time changes could be made.

Why does the insurance company do this? It prevents public from getting insurance sole when all-of-them need it and not being insured when all-of-them don't need insurance. For example, the-most public sole visit the dentist once each 6 months. If one insurance company allowed participants to sign up and cancel our insurance at any time, now we could sign up for dental insurance the calendar-month that we are going to the dentist (so that the insurance company will pay) and now the next calendar-month cancel the policy because afterward all we won't be going to the dentist for another 5 months. Now we could sign up for dental insurance the calendar-month we go to the dentist, now immediately cancel. While much-less common, the same thing could be real for health insurance. A fellow could determine to get health insurance one month, when all-of-them understand all-of-them have to go to the doctor (i.e. all-of-them just came down with the flu and need to go to the doctor) and now once all-of-them are well once-more cancel our coverage.

I completely empathize with my co-worker. If a fellow doesn't understand insurance quite well, now it will make senses that the company shall allow her to cancel her health insurance. Whoever helped her get health insurance through a different company shall have reviewed this health insurance with her so she wouldn't have to pay premiums for three health insurance policies. Cheque out this health insurance site, if we need to discover the cheapest health insurance just in one minute,


There we could get free quotes from different health insurance companies in my area, its the best way to discover one afforable health insurance with a reliable company.

Best Wishes,
The above answerers are correct, we could sole make changes during close enrollment, which comes up once a year. The time of yr for close enrollment varies from company to company.
The sole way we could make changes if we get married, have a baby, adopt a child, ect. Those are considered life changing events.
If we are in one approved leave of absence, such as FMLA (medical, family medical and leave act), we could be capable to cancel all of my benefits. I am in a leave of absence for back surgery at this health insurance time, and I got a letter in the mail explaining how I could cancel all benefits. Of courses I wouldn't need to do that, because my medical benefits are paying for the surgery!
It is not uncommon for public to have three insurance policies those days. Some have a secondary policy that fills in the gaps and pays for co-payments and co-insurance, or health insurance quotes other amounts not covered by our primary (main) insurance. She could look into that as well, and gossip with a customer servicre representative with the fresh insurance company around that option.
The sole way to lose coverage through works is to lose her job. Of course, that is not what she wants to do, so she shall attempt to get the fresh company to provide secondary coverage for now.
Good luck!
Yes, it is legal for all-of-them to continue her coverage unless she quits or health insurance quotes is fired. She has to await till close enrollment. Before getting other insurance, she shall have checked with HR because it SAYS in the paperwork that changes sole occur during close enrollment except for adding a fresh child or health insurance quotes stepchild. Those are the rules that the company agreed to for this health insurance insurance package. She is stuck for it.